nanoKONTROL 1 Prior to this Stereo out faders jumping like crazy

nanoKONTROL 1 not being recognised in Cubase 12 now,


Do you mean it’s not recognized as a MIDI Remote Device, or not at all?

Hi, yes, MIDI Remote, nanoKONTROL 2 shows up as a controller but 1 now

Any one know if Korg nanoKONTROL 2 works without stereo fader jumping?
Contacted Steinberg on Dec 15, still waiting for a reply !!

I’ve just had a look at the script provided by Steinberg, the fader is set to “scaled” mode, so I don’t expect a jumpy behaviour. However, if what you’re really after is the “pickup” mode, this is doable, the script should be altered and saved to the Local directory of the MIDI Remotes, and the factory one should get disabled.

Thnk you, any thoughts as to why nano 1 is no longer showing up? Is there a link anywhere that I can download ?