Natural Harmonics Malfunction/Hiding Lower Notehead of Artificial Harmonics

Hi there, here’s my question:
is it possible to fix the playback for natural harmonics AND hide the lower notehead for artificial harmonics when necessary? Let me explain…

I found some strange inconsistencies with the playback for natural harmonics. It seems that occasionally when you program the correct nodes, the playback works and other times it doesn’t. I’m uploading the demo file so you can see what I did.

One workaround I tried was using only artificial harmonics to get the correct notation AND playback but it seems it’s not possible to hide the lower notehead, so correct playback is possible but not the correct notation.

Is it possible to fix the playback for natural harmonics AND hide the lower notehead for artificial harmonics when necessary?
harmonics demo.dorico (766.8 KB)

I’m not sure at a glance which of the notes in your example are the ones you are concerned about, but I will make a guess that the problem is with nodes apart from the first. Dorico’s “Node” property for natural harmonics was originally introduced to control the notated appearance of the numbers in guitar tablature - it doesn’t affect playback. Dorico’s playback of white diamond natural harmonics currently assumes the first node on the string is being used - thus changing the “String” property will affect playback but changing the “Node” will not. This is certainly something we’d like to improve in future.

Where you are using artifical harmonics as a workaround I wonder whether setting the “Style” property to “Single notehead (stopped)” gives better results than trying to hide the lower notehead.

Welcome to the forum (and Dorico?), @MathewArrellin!

I happened to recall a few threads from somewhat recently that might make for helpful reading:

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