Navigating the "Internal Effects" is a bit of a minefield for technique combinations

When defining technique combinations in an Expression Map,
it seems that some of the “Internal Effects” are applied arbitrarily.

Here I have a definition for “Jeté + Legato”:

It has a length modifier of 40%.

Here it is being used in the score with mixed results:

The first three notes clearly have have the length modified.
The last note, still under the slur, does not.
Dorico seems to replace this with a normal note length.

Under Library → Playback Options → Timing → Note Durations, there is a curious note about the last note under a slur:
“Setting the duration for legato notes affects all notes under a slur except the last note, which is shortened.”

Not certain, but my guess would be that the last note of the slur is shortened from 100%, definitely ignoring your 40% setting.

Thanks. Yes I think you are correct.

This makes for quite a problem for certain string playback techniques,
as there are many non-legato techniques which are often notated with slurs (for the bow marking, not the legato):

Flying spiccato, upbow staccato, jeté (ricochet), portato etc.

What if you suppress playback of the slur and change the base switch in the expression map from Jeté + Legato to just Jeté?


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