Need help configuring MIDI keyboard controller

Okay, I run Cubase 5 under Windows 7. I purchased a MIDI controller for the first time, an M-Audio KeyStudio 25, and I’m trying to configure the knobs to send CC data. Here is a picture of the keyboard.

I have SOME of the controls configured, but can’t figure out how to get the rest configured. For example, I have the C9 slider (red circle #1) configured to control the master volume for the project. I also have C1 (not circled, but left-most knob on the top) configured to control the volume level for the current track. Both of those work fine.

But I want to set the C3 knob (red circle #2), to transmit CC17 data. I’m using the GPO World MIDI package, Irish Flute instrument, and CC17 controls the vibrato speed, so I want to be able to set that using the C3 controller on my MIDI keyboard. However, I can’t figure out how to do this.

Yes, I know to use the learn function to identify the control, but can’t figure out how to associate it with CC17. Here is my current Generic Remote setup.

As you can see, I’ve got the C1 and C3 controllers configured using the learn function (top panel)… heck, I’ve got ALL of the knobs configured using the learn function (top panel). I’ve got C1 configured (bottom panel) to be the volume for the track. The C9 slider is configured to be the output volume for the project. But if I want to configure C3 to send CC17 data, what values do I use for Device, Channel/Category, and Value/Action in the bottom panel?

I need help here, guys, cause there are several CC values I’d like to send (CC17, CC18, CC20, CC22, CC23, aftertouch and more), all used to control different things about the instruments in GPO World. Can anyone help?

And I also need to know how to use the buttons (C12 - C19 under the knobs) to do things like mute a track or toggle recording for punch-ins.

Any help is appreciated.

Delete all the lines in the Generic Remote and add just the ones you want and save the preset. Do this for a couple of scenarios. Choose a controller, set it up in the top pane and then choose what you want it to do in the bottom. Pretty straight foward.

That’s the problem, though. I don’t know how to tell it to send CC17 data (for example) on the bottom panel. I’ve looked at all the menus, and saw no place to configuer a knob that way. That’s the help I need.

In that case, look to Quick Controls.