Need help connecting tascam US800 to Cubase AI 10.5 on laptop livestream on tiktok

hi everyone, I’m new, I want to connect to sing livestream on tik tok using Takstar PC K200 and tascam US800, please help me setup sound on cubase 10.5

Are you on Windows 7 or Mac OSX Mountain Lion? Those were the last supported OS versions for the official drivers based on the product information:

Don’t expect it to work on any modern Mac. The Windows drivers could possibly still work on Windows 10 or 11 if installed in compatability mode:

You might also get it to work with ASIO4ALL if you’re on Windows:

Once you have a driver installed or chosen you need to go to Studio Set Up in Cubase and choose the driver and device.:

I spent a lot of time setting up sound on mac 2020 :((, now I know thanks to your information.
Currently, I am switching to a Windows 11 laptop. Thank you very much for your information. If I don’t know, I will ask you to help me further.

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