Need new CPU for DAW....multi-cores or higher GHZ???

No its not, i had a whole topic on that, thats just to MAKE YOU FEEL GOODA in there,
my Topic was about , why when MULTICORE SUPPORT is ON’’ Cubase actually draines
my CPU a lot more then when its off…i tested it on 3 High End computer, all different
MoBos and stuff and always the same…keep it always off.

I’d get the Phenom x6 over the Bulldozers right now, the 8 core new CPU’s are not performing well really in comparison.

Yes the intel i7’s are better tbh, but at over double the price. So it’s down to budget a lot of the time.

I run a Phenom II 1090T (3.2Ghz) with 8Gb RAM, and my machine is running great, never runs out of CPU power even with heavy laden tracks.

Well this is wierd as I just disabled it on a project and the ASIO meter in Cubase went from 10% to 80% , all be it on one core, but rendered the project useless. Turn back on multi core support and the project drops back down to 10%.

Please define “drains you CPU” in a more detailed way. And please post screenshots from Task manager’s Performance tab, Cubase’s ASIO meter and any other tool you use to measure performance, both with “multi-core support” on and off.

The “turn off multicore support” advice is pretty much nonsense. If it works better with it switched off, then there is something drastically wrong with the system. If I turned it off on one of my projects, the computer would probably blow up. :laughing:


Right DG, cubase is a heavily threaded (multi-threaded) application.

always amazed at the mis-information around here
turn off multi-core i think not
turn off HT i think not
Xeons cant do low latency i think not…

Xeon is the one if you don’t want AMD.

there is no point to the Xeons, has nothing to do with AMD, AMD doesnt even come into the picture.

the E5 Xeon is the same thing as the single processors 3xxx series
only difference is they have all 8 cores on while the desktops are limited to 6.
price wise you have to be nuts to buy a Xeon

I’m newbie who is just planning DAW and so have a possibility to build from the ground what is bringing me to the point - can I do an appropriate setup on AMD? Just electronic music here - vsts and keys only:)

while an AMD system would work you can build an Intel system for the same amount of $ and have something more powerful. at this point AMD is pointless
