Need to create Key Command to Incrementally Increase Gain

I need to create a key command that will either increase or decrease the gain on an audio track so I don’t have to always do it from the Audio Process menu but I can’t seem to find any such option.

Does anyone know how I could do that?


You can create Direct Offline Process with the setup you want to use. Save it to the Facorites of the Direct Offline Process. Then you can assign a Key Command to these DOP Favorites.

If it’s the whole track you can do it from the info line.

If it’s part of a track then Greg Ondo has a good video:

Thanks Martin! I’ve never performed that task before though it sounds fairly simple.
Will give it a shot this afternoon.

What would be the category and task in the Key Commands window that I would potentially be looking for after creating the DOP favorite?

Also, greatly appreciate the youtube vid Manike. It helps to see an example of the more advanced methods and combining several events in a macro; but overall it doesn’t really solve my task. Good to know about the decrement volume event because that’s what I believe I need. Hopefully there is also an increment volume as well; but duplicating the event 12x to decrease the gain by -12db doesn’t seem like a very elegant approach. IMHO.

I’d rather be able to create a key command that I can hit 12x to raise the audio 12db or another that I could hit 12x to lower the audio -12db.

Thanks much!


Direct Offline Processing > Favorite 1, Favorite 2,etc.

Cool, thx :+1:t4:

So it looks as though there actually may not be a way to accomplish this task in the manner that I typically do things in my workflow…
Both suggestions provided appear to work great in the case of performing the task on the entire track or section of a track outside of the audio editor but neither seem to work within the editor. Which is where I perform most of my audio editing.

I prefer the editor because I can zoom in at a very granular level without disrupting the track view. See screenshots.

Key command will work in this view by selecting the whole track or section of the track
Audio Track View.png
Key command won’t work working within this view

But I don’t understand why I shouldn’t be able to run the key commands inside of the audio track editor. I have set up key commands to add silence to a selected range within the editor and it works perfectly. Yet trying to setup a simple set of commands in a similar fashion to either increase or decrease the gain of a selected section seems to be a daunting task that doesn’t work within the editor.

What am I missing guys?

Suggestions? :open_mouth:


I tried to reproduce it and you are right.

It seems the Key Command is triggered only from the Project window, Arranger area. If I make a Range selection in the Project window and call the Favorite 1 function via Key Command, then it works as expected. But if I make the selection in the Sample Editor (either Lower Zone or own window), the function is not fired.

Reported to Steinberg.

[sigh] Thanks again Martin :wink: