Need to split multi-bar rests to make the chords readible

I’m making lead sheets from piano sheet music, and I have an intro and an interlude that both have the same chords. I like multi-bar rests because they take up less room, but the chords need to be readable. Somehow, the intro has split itself into 4 and 3 bar rests and the chords are readable, but on the interlude, the chords are too close, and I can’t figure out how to get the same split as the intro. Everything I’ve tried just messes it up, and I have to close the file without saving because undos just make it worse.

I’m a Finale user coming over to Dorico, and I started this project when I had the time to learn Dorico, but now I’m under a tight deadline and need to get this song fixed ASAP. I’m sure there is something simple that I’m missing and don’t have the correct terminology to search. Please help!


Nevermind. I figured it out. I needed to change the normal barline between the E and B chords to a double. That’s what caused the split in the intro. Not sure if that’s the best way to do it, but it works.

In Engrave mode and Galley view you can select a barline and then menu Engrave > Split Multi-bar Rest. You will see a signpost.

Galley view is not available when I’m in Engrave mode. It’s grayed out and the key command doesn’t work. I tried it in both full score and part 1.

I changed the barline back to normal and got this, however, which works.

Sorry I meant in Full Score