Nektar Panorama CS12 Full Cubase Integration is here!

This has never come up as a complaint, and we have many customers using the produce since it’s launch back in March last year.


Thats good to know. It was mentioned by one or more of the users and is even mentioned in Pablos excellent Youtube video.

I think its great you are frequenting this forum and offering advice. However I would also like to see you on YouTube showing off some of the custom user programming (i use the term programming loosely).

You mention above that we should not change anything on the default page.
If thats the case how to we navigate to a customer user page?

On the default page I already added open VST instrument on the plugin button as this was not assigned. Is this going to screw things up for me.
Should I delete the script and re-install?

Is there a list showing which buttons are assigned to what for each page?
I tried leaving the remote open and pressing various buttons but this acts differently to any homemade scripts I have created.
You cant simply press a button and see what it is assigned to.

One other thing which I think is a no, is it possible to use another remote unit, for example a streamdeck or I have a N.I. Macschine Studio I could use, to change pages on the CS12.
I would like a setup page, recording page and edit/mix/master page as a minimum.

If not on here, on the Nektar site there should be a way of reporting issues and requests so we can all see what has and hasn’t already been reported and requested.
This saves you time wading through duplicate posts.

Also a voting system for requests I find is always a good move.

thanks again.

Great news, @Tim_Chandler . Are there more changes in this update? If yes, which ones?

I agree to @Maax - very much appreciated that you regularly check the Steinberg forum. :slight_smile:


Yeah I wanted a way to protect the default page but that hasn’t happened yet.

The Plugin button has multiple functions. By default it opens the plugin in the selected insert slot. If the CHANNEL button is active, plugin opens the VST Instrument.

You could restore default functionality by deleting the edit you made when the button is pressed with the remote editor open.

Press CHANNEL to get to user editable pages. There are 2 pages dedicated for User assignments in the Channel strip (the grey buttons). The last selected page in CHANNEL mode is always recalled on switching back to channel mode.

I don’t think there’s a way to update a control surface state from other control surfaces of keyboard shortcuts just yet.

The CS12 script is quite advanced, and any user assignments you make are high resolution - that is with the magnifier button held you’ll get fine control of any user mapped assignment.

For support and feature requests, please contact

Regarding request for user visibility on feature requests, it’s not really my department but I’ll pas the request on.


I went looking for the CS12 Operating Manual for Cubase, and found the link is at the bottom of this page:

CS12: Cubase & Nuendo - Nektar

I’m wondering - when new versions are released (as planned today according to Tim), is the CS12 operating manual updated with a “Version History” type document available for download?


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Thanks for the tip about turning the sends on and off. I wouldn’t have thought that you could do that with a potentiometer, but rather with a button. That’s why I didn’t read the manual :wink:
but it’s cool that it works.

“At the moment, the mappings all get moved to the 4th button when you restart Cubase.”

What exactly does that mean? I hadn’t noticed.

Thanks @Tim Chandler, I’ll send my feature request to support, but I’d like to share it here too. on my other system I have a pair of BCF2000 and a Frontier Alphatrack, both run on Windows 11 and C14. My request is the following. Normally, in my mixing sessions I use “visibility agents” that I can activate via keyboard command. This is great for condensing the mixer view.

The thing is, when I do that, my controllers are put in that state, that is, they select or can see the first channel of that particular configuration. whatever it is. Cs12 does not. (I also use the Cubase IC pro app and it doesn’t do it either, which is a nightmare to fear having to swipe to find the channel you have selected, but that is another debate)

I would like, if possible, for CS12 to be able to do that too since it seems to stay in the project view, and not “focus” on the mixerConsole.

I don’t know if this feature is exclusive to MCU, although Alphatrack does not use MCU (as far as I know) and follows the expected behavior. Tell me Tim, would this be possible???

I think it would be a very successful behavior for people who use this type of vision in Cubase. and of course IC pro should do it too!!!

Unfortunately, there’s currently no support or recognition of hidden Mixer channels via the remote API. This was a feature of the older HWRemote which I believe the Alphatrack and previous Nektar integration used.

I have already put a request in to Steinberg regarding this.

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Hi, perhaps the isMixerChannelVisible() of the dao would be of help here?

I love you Tim!!! Thanks for your Efforts!! @Tim_Chandler

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Yes, maybe I hadn’t noticed they added that… I’ll experiment with that and see what can be done, thanks.


I’m really on the fence about the CS12.

That’s not a negative comment about any flaws it may or may not have (though I’m keeping an eye out to see if unusually early button wear/ damage is reported by more than the two or three people that have already done so).

I acknowledge it has an amazing, and by all accounts a very intuitive, feature set!

It’s just that from my point of view as someone who’s moused their way through Cubase for years, it seems that so many of the CS12’s features simply duplicate the work done by my key commands. Yes, the CS12 does that in an extremely cool way, but still - I’ve already got a workflow for those commands working well for me.

So, as I see it, the CS12’s additional functionality to me lies in its ability to more easily turn a knob, or grab and adjust a point (like an EQ node) or slide a fader.

But if understand the Brian R./Pablin vid correctly, I need to mouse over AND touch that control anyway before the CS12 can do its magic - so that makes it even less of a help to me.

I’ve had my credit card out at least once to buy the CS12, and I’ve always stopped just before purchasing because I really couldn’t convince myself I needed that much help twiddling a knob etc. if I had to mouse over and touch it already before using the CS12.

Like I said. I’ve never had a control surface - am I just in the category of someone who just doesn’t understand how great the CS12 can be?

[Edited for spelling and clarity]

Dom’s video is no more reserved now…
I was not looking for it, actually, but I just opened YouTube and it’s there…
I still have to watch it but the title itself is very clear…
Happy to share with you :slight_smile:


you don’t have to move the mouse over a plugin button to operate it with the CS12. you can operate all plugin potentiometers with the 12 potentiometers. the parameters are always the same when you load the plugin. it could be that with a filter VST the cutoff is on potentiometer 1 and it is always there. if you don’t want it that way you can change it.
what you mean, that you have to move the mouse over a button, is only for parameters that are not assigned or that you haven’t assigned yourself yet. it is quite useful for that.

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Yes, that’s right.

Thanks for reminding me that doesn’t have to be done for a whole lot of plugins - they are already mapped!

Dom says (in his vid, linked to a few posts up) he wasn’t able to do as much with VSTi’s as with plugins.

Can someone address that a bit more please?

Thank you!

Sorry, Posts asking about other devices have been removed.

This is a great thread and @Tim_Chandler is providing support, so I am keeping it clean.

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Couple of questions.
Can you control the metronome volume (like my CC121) ?
Still can’t find much about VST instrument control, any videos / info?
Is there a keyboard controller version in the pipeline?

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Can someone explain when/why Nektarine would be used with the CS12? (I had to look up what Nektarine was, and it seemed to be a way to control plugins, etc. - that seems a little bit like a duplication of what the CS12 does …?)

I would really love to hear your opinion once you get the CS12. I sorta like my P1-Nano and I’m not sure I’d wanna jump ship unless I jump to something that’s a real step up.