Yes - I could download and demo - but I take it there are differences in the score editor for all tiers of Cubase 14? The “comparison” only says it HAS the score editor. I found that (in the past) the teeny tiny format (not scalable) in artist and elements rendered the score editor useless.
Yes I will download (demo) but was just curious if there was a summary of capabilities anywhere. I know a number of students who could really use Elements productively if the score was improved (from 13).
Please don’t sue if I am wrong but I think the score editor is now the same in Pro, Artist, and Elements. I am looking at it in Elements and in looks the same as in Pro. I have limited knowledge of the topic, though.
You should definitely check it out.
If you use the trial version you can hold the Alt/Opt key upon launching Cubase and decide whetehr you want to trial Pro or Elements.
Just wanted to confirm officially: the Score Editor itself is the same in all versions of Cubase 14.
There will be a subtle difference in Cubase versions that don’t have access to the visibility list panel. This means, you won’t have quick access to different layouts in the left zone, but can enable the same functionality by adding the item into the toolbar.
the Score Editor itself is the same in all versions of Cubase 14
thank you - is this (for now at least, or immediate future?) the plan going forward? Pre C14 there was a HUGE difference in the capabilities of the score editor.
I would imagine that at some point Pro etc would get more capabilities - but otoh you have the different versions of Dorico to cover the super complex. I’m very glad that Elements and Artist will at least be much more functional than in the past.