New Computer - Cubase 13 crashes with 3rd party plugins

I just upgraded my computer for Cubase 13 pro and now it crashes constantly on the new computer!! It is the 3rd party apps. When I open Cubase 13 with the 3rd party apps, and do anything with a plugin, it crashes. I’ve ran Cubase with 3rd party plugins disabled and it runs fine. Since this is a new computer, there are fresh installs on ALL plugins. I’ve messed around with firewall permissions (which I think is still the culprit), but I can’t put my finger on it.

Cubase 13.0.51 64bit2024.12.29 (1.9 MB)

Here’s the latest dump file.

I’ve used WinDbg, but nothing jumps out. And it seems it’s really any 3rd party apps, Waves, Plugin Alliance, UAD, etc. etc.

If the plugin is already on a track, I can open it and edit the settings on the already inserted 3rd party plugin. But if I try to delete, add, or remove a plugin - POW. I’m looking at my desktop.

Any ideas?? Thanks in advance for any and all help.


Do you maybe experience the same issue as it is described here?

tbh, I’ve never seen such a stack trace before:

00000000`0014c3a0 00000000`00000002     : 00000000`00000004 00000000`00000014 00007ffc`85d678b4 00000000`00400000 : 0x540000
00000000`0014c3a8 00000000`00000004     : 00000000`00000014 00007ffc`85d678b4 00000000`00400000 00000000`0000000b : 0x2
00000000`0014c3b0 00000000`00000014     : 00007ffc`85d678b4 00000000`00400000 00000000`0000000b 00000000`00000014 : 0x4
00000000`0014c3b8 00007ffc`85d678b4     : 00000000`00400000 00000000`0000000b 00000000`00000014 00000000`00000002 : 0x14
00000000`0014c3c0 00007ffc`85d67776     : 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 00000000`631d8160 00000000`0014c4e0 : ntdll!RtlpAllocateNTHeapInternal+0xe4
00000000`0014c450 00000000`6487d0f0     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00540000 00000001`4701fdd0 00007ffc`85d67776 : ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0xae6
00000000`0014c590 00000000`00000000     : 00000000`00540000 00000001`4701fdd0 00007ffc`85d67776 00000000`00000002 : 0x6487d0f0

Seems rather low level to me, Attempt to execute non-executable address 0000000000540000 doesn’t look too nice either… I don’t think it is firewall permissions though.
Do the crashes only occur in Cubase with third party plugins? Not in other apps? How about Cubase internal plugins? Do those load fine?
Have you tried starting Cubase in safe mode with Program preferences disabled? That would be my first idea.
Checking for system file corruption can’t hurt:

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I’m not sure. I’ll look into that. Thanks for the link.

I’ve narrowed it down to 2 plugins, both from UAD. I opened Cubase for a song I had, that worked on the old computer, and deleted all of the 3rd party plugins (I could do that with the 3rd party plugins disabled). Steinberg plugins were fine. I then added plugins by each manufacturer/developer and found UAD to be the problem. Some of the UAD worked and some didn’t.

The 2 that didn’t was the LA-2A (the entire collection) and the plate reverb plugin. I have the Distressor and the API Vision plugin, which both worked.

I would hate to lose the LA-2A.

I also hate iLok. Stupid. But it is what it is.

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The plugins that are my issue are not listed on the “Blocklist” in Cubase.

That is still very weird, if a plugin is the culprit of a crash, we would usually see that in the crash dump, and also in the safe mode dialog next start. Maybe try re-installing the UAD plugins?

I just did uninstall all of the UAD plugins, as well as UA Connect. Reinstalled everything. Opened the project with no 3rd party apps on it. I attempted to installed the LA-2A plugin from UAD and Cubase crashed with this dump file.

Cubase 13.0.51 64bit2024.12.29 (2.0 MB)

I can still open Distressor and API Vision, but LA-2A and the Pure Plate Reverb will cause a crash.

It is weird.

Is the next step to buy an iLok dongle? I have a feeling that it has something to do with that. IDK.

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I guess you are running the native UA versions, right? All these plugins run fine here as UAD2 as well as native versions with an ILok dongle attached. So you might be right. However, I would contact UAD first before buying a dongle.

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I am running them native, which I did on the old computer before switching. I’ll reach out to UAD.

The stack trace of that dump is also completely weird and has nothing in it that points to a plugin :person_shrugging:
Have you installed the latest Version of the Pace iLok Software?
Or maybe the file where the iLok licenses are stored is somewhat corrupt?
Maybe UA can help, good luck!

I’ve put in a ticket with UAD and we’ll see!

Yes, this all started with a new computer, so it’s all new installs of everything. It is just weird.

I’ll let you know what UAD comes up with, hopefully.

So just to follow up on this, I did put in a ticket at UAD, which they responded. I purchased a computer with AMD Ryzen 7 9700X 8-core processor. My problem is an issue with the CPU architecture and iLock. So I’m stuck until the chip BIOS gets updated or iLock gets updated to work.

I think I mentioned earlier, I hate iLock.

UAD did send me links for updating my BIOS, as well as to the support page for iLock. Both of which had information that I have tried, but with no positive results.

So I’m stuck with a couple of plugins that won’t work. Thankfully one was on sale and one was free, so I’m not out of a lot of money.