New Feature Request - import and play a Audio File

Could you add the ability to import one Audio Track (wave, or flac). The idea here is if I have a vocal track I can import it in … play it as part of the song and arrange the song to it… I could build a song arrangement around it. Thanks

There is already a workaround for this - add the audio track as a “video” as though you were scoring the video. It will play back synced with the notation.

Cool …thank you

Just bought it . wow there is so much to learn…

I’m not able to import an audio file converted to a .mov file on a Mac. Maybe it is a matter of minimum file length, or some other limitations? Regular .mov files created with an iPhone are perfectly fine.


You’ll need to check the codecs used. The codecs supported by the video engine used by Dorico, Cubase and WaveLab are documented here.

Would be nice if we have Audio Tracks, just for playing back audio on which we have to write additional arrangement, or orchestration. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


This has definitely been requested (as is evidenced by the 2 year old OP). I’m sure they haven’t forgotten.