new install SLM128 missing

I’m really hating this process; it’s been several years, and evidently I was using many features from older versions of Cubase which have been discontinued.

Does the SLM 128 fall into this category?

If you need it, download it here. I believe they released the mixconsole loudness meter in CB 7. Try enabling it and give it a go.

Regards. :sunglasses:


At this point I am fairly frustrated with Steinberg in general - to the point where I genuinely would prefer not to spend another penny on Steinberg software. I’m sure someone finds all the new features useful, but with each new release I find something I previously had liked changed for the worse, and meanwhile features requests I’ve been making for almost a decade have gone ignored. The roll out process for 7 was downright ridiculous, and I have too many active projects to put at risk by upgrading.

I hear ya… Good luck. :slight_smile:

Regards. :sunglasses:

I have installed SLM 128 64 bit into Artis\t 9.5 multiple times but am unable to find it- where does it install to and how can I access it in projects please?