I have been attempting to create a new instrument - please don’t ask why - and I observed a strange behaviour.when trying to define the transposition on my iMac:
I have set middle C as C4 in the preferences. When a C4 is played, the sound needs to be an E ABOVE the written note (E4), not E3 which it insists on forcing.
It certainly looks like a bug. I’ve tried to reproduce it on my own system, however, and so far I’ve been unable to. Can you reproduce this in a brand new project with a brand new instrument?
I am not at my computer at the moment @dspreadbury but it was a new instrument derived from the 7 string lute so it may be as @Craig_F suggested. I put in the string tuning and also tried without the tuning and both have the same error.
I will try in a new project when I get to my computer.l and let you know.
I can confirm that the problem was on my system with one particular project. When creating new projects, I could not duplicate the error on either a Mac or Windows system. I have been unable to trace the cause in the one project but no further investigation is necessary.