I just installed cubase on my new macbook pro m4pro, with 48GB ram . Tried playing some old projects. To my disbelief, my projects STILL seem to be too heavy for this computer to play without lagging - dropouts all the time. I had the same issue with my old computer, which is why i bought a new one.
When looking in the activity monitor, there seems to be a lot of room left in the cores and in the memory, so I can’t see what’s causing this issue.
I have also maxed out buffer size and the asio-guard is set to high. What more can i do??
Do you have any dedicated audio interface with its own driver ? I ask this, because I see Built in Audio as ASIO driver, this, with huge input/output latencies.
Windows only here, but even without working with a MacOS system, it’s not the best way to deal with any audio related task, IMO : something is obviously wrong in your whole audio setup…
Hi! Thanks for the quick reply.
I use an Apollo twin x in my studio, right now I’m just at home so that’s why I use the built in audio. Although, I have always had the same problems in the studio with my old computer as well.
Built-in audio on macOS is not a problem. macOS ships with CoreAudio framework which is high-performance and low-latency, perfectly suitable for pro-level audio applications. Audio interfaces use the same framework on macOS as the built-in audio, they don’t ship with their own drivers.
Okay so the buffer size at the moment explains the i/o latency. I use 48khz as sample rate too. But still, with 48gb ram, I should not need to max out the buffer size at all?
I think there is something specific to your project that causes the problem. Computer is certainly powerful enough to handle large projects and Built-in audio is almost certainly not the problem here. Maybe some plugin in your old project causes the dropouts?
hmmm… i only use pretty standard plugins from like waves, soundtoys and fabfilter. And it doesn’t matter what project i open, as long as they are large enough (like 40 tracks or more, sometimes not even that). And they’re not mixing projects, so i don’t use crazy amounts of plugins either.
The only thing i can think of that could be an issue, is that I only have 45GBs left on my harddrive (internal ssd). It’s a 512GB drive and I transferred everything from my old computer. But it says I have 75 hours in the “max record time” thing in cubase.
Not using rosetta! And I don’t think cubase allows anything other than vst3 right? How do i check what i’m using, is it the three stripes at the side of the plugin name?
Okay i think i have found the issue… I should have bought a computer with bigger internal drive if i wanted to work locally…
Tried opening a pretty demanding project from my lacie disk and yep, now i can have super low buffer size without any dropouts. Great news when i just bought a 3400 dollar computer.
Disk drives nowdays are very fast but I always used different drives for my projects and system/programs and never had issues with dropouts.
Just add a 2nd drive and you’re good. Oops you’re on Mac
Jokes aside, just get an external ssd with a fast connection and move your projects there. Will also allow you to free up some space on internal and extend it’s life if it’s an ssd.
No mention here of any instruments. In my experience, very few FX plugins use a lot of power. Most of the drain comes from instruments, especially sample libraries.