New Measures are condensed and empty

Hello, I am currently working on a piece and am trying to add more measures. However, when doing so I end up with empty measures that are tightly condensed. Any solutions? Thank you.

One of the notes or rests in bar 24 has its “Ends Voice” property turned on. You need to turn it off.

Alternatively, invoke the caret, use the arrow keys to get it to the downbeat of bar 25 then type Shift-B rest Enter.

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The reason they’re squished is that there’s nothing in them - perhaps you removed a rest at the end of the phrase (which would cause the last note to have the “Ends voice” property set, as Leo described above)? Without anything in the bars to use for spacing, Dorico can’t space them at all. If you don’t want to show bar rests in empty bars, instead of removing them you can hide them on a per-layout basis.

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This immediately solved the issue. Thank you for your suggestion and fast response!

Hello, this immediately solved the issue. Thank you for your suggestion and fast response!