Hi everybody!
I ran in some weird issue, when I recently replaced my 3 little monitors with a huge screen, which is just great to work with!
The problem now is that the tracks of the projects I had worked on up to that point, are no longer shown in my MCU.
New projects arer no problem though, everything shows up like expected.
Did anybody else experience something like that, or has a workaround?
Is there a config file I would need to edit to get my tracks back on the MCU (for my older projects)?
Thanks ahead for any help!
There is no link between the screens and the MCU. What kind of Channels you don’t see?
Hi Martin!
Well none of them. It’s looks like you open an empty project.
When I add new tracks on an older Project, they are not shown either.
They only show up when I start a new project from scratch.
Then everything is fine…
Even when I switch back and forth between project, the new one shows all the tracks on the MCU, the old one doesn’t. All faders go back to zero and nothing is shwon on the MCU’s screens.
Transport allways works though.
Which Cubase version do you use? Do you use the Mackie Control component, or do you use MIDI Remote?
I’m still on cubase 13, latest version.
Mackie Control component. 1 main, 2 extenders.
Could you try to set all MIDI Input and Output Ports to None and then assign all of them back? Just to (kind of) restart the setting? Or even remove and add the Mackie Control Devices back?
I’ll try and get back to you. Give me just a moment.
Thanks so much for your help!
No. Didn’t make any difference. Really weird…
Still no tracks on the MCU on older Projects, everything fine on newly created ones.
I erased all the MCUs from the studio environment, resetted all midi-devices, brought the MCUs back again. No change.
Aren’t the tracks disabled by any chance?
None of the tracks is disabled.
This would have been too obvious.
The tracks don’t show up even when I add them completely new.
Weird, isn’t it?
But thanks anyway!
I appreciate your help!