Thanks for all the help and resources. I have come a long way to learning Dorico (still have lots to learn). So far I am finding it better than Finale, but I am struggling on two areas that always seem to be glossed over in the videos and text that I have looked at. How do you start a new movement with a blank page. When I carruoved a measure from a previous movement it always seem to be linked. If I attempt to add a flow to the new page. It puts it st the end of the previous page. When I highlight the flow and start a new system break, it does not move. PLEASE HELP!
There is a setting in Layout Options > Page Setup > Flows for whether flows follow on the same page, or start at the top of a new page.
If you actually want a blank page between the end of one flow and the start of the next, then you’ll have to add that manually.
You can tell Dorico to put new flows on new pages:
A system break forces a new line of music, but not necessarily a new page. A frame break is the equivalent of a page break, in most circumstances.
If they haven’t answered the part of your question about starting with a blank page, can you say a bit more about what exactly you want the blank page for?
Thank you Lillie, that helped! One issue that remains. When I add the flow and page, then move the page to a different location (example: moving it from the end of the layout to after page 5) As additional pages are added to the flow, all of my movement titles get moved around as does the staves in other Flows. Is there a way to lock all previous movements so they do not move when adding/editing new flows?
You shouldn’t need to add pages manually: Dorico creates them automatically according to how much music exists in the layout.
If you haven’t overridden pages or staff spacing, you can move flows around very freely. However, page-specific overrides including manually moving staves up and down can get lost if the page number changes.
This is why we recommend that you edit page templates, and use Layout Options to set appropriate vertical spacing values for the layout: it all reduces the need for manual intervention on any given page. (It also gets you good results with less effort, which is a good idea anyway!)
I guess the question would then be: Ss this particular project is a practice routine (for trumpet students) and only requires a single instrument. Several studies are grouped and have altered stave placements and text identifiers. A single layout would not work. Maybe what I am after is not functional or possible in Dorico. The things that are altered are always after I insert a new flow page) somewhere in the existing pages. Nothing prior to that is effected.
Upload the file and someone will quickly help you to sort it out.
(I suspect there are terminology problems)
It sounds like what you’re after are lots of short exercises, arranged in various places on a page.
Dorico handles this by allowing you to have multiple flows in the project: a flow is a chunk of music of any duration.
Take a look at this video for some ideas:
As requested, I have attached the file of what I am trying to do. This is a learning experience as I am doing this as a start to switch from Finale to Dorico (2 week process so far). I thought I would learn by creating something useful to me. As you can see, there are various parts to the layout. I am trying to understand the concept of Flows and pages - How they intersect and how they differ.
(Attachment Daily Trumpet Routine.dorico is missing)
The attachment didn’t come through. (Possibly because you’re replying via email?)