I am working on a suite of several short pieces called “Pirates.”. Here’s the first part and main theme. This was created in Dorico with NPPE, BBCSO, and VSL Synchron.
Very nice, Konrad. It makes me want to hear the rest of your suite when it is finished. Well done!
Konrad, as an aside, I posted a short piece on this forum a few days ago. As of now, 68 people have looked at it, but nobody has left a comment, either good or bad. I don’t think there are many composers here. If there are, they don’t seem to be very supportive.
@MikeInBoston , Thanks very much for your support and kind comments. I’m very sorry I missed your work. I am extremely interested in other composers’ pieces. I’ll go find it right now.
By the way, don’t be discouraged. I’ve had 60+ views here and one like. It’s OK. That’s just how it is. People are here for technical advice on Dorico.
I have 3,500 friends on Facebook and get 12 likes on a piece of music and 200 on a picture of a hamburger.
I think there are many composers here. It’s not a question of being unsupportive. I applaud you for putting your music out there, but I’m not going to be drawn into providing a critique your work on a public forum.
Speaking for myself, I am not seeking reviews or validation. I am interested in what users create in Dorico and thought others might be as well. I mostly write orchestral music, but I’m sure there are composers here doing piano pieces, band arrangements, string quartets, etc. I hope someone posts chamber music because I have trouble making that sound good.
Some general thoughts (not directly aimed at you, so please don’t take them personally):
- When people post things like that, it’s often not clear if they are genuinely seeking constructive feedback or if it’s only some sort of “hey, look what I did”-king of attention seeking. Some words of clarification within those initial posts might help lead people in the right direction and encourage comments if people want them.
- Sometimes it’s unclear if the work is still in progress (read: feedback is welcome and could be incorporated into the work) or if the work is already finished and users taking their time formulating feedback would be kind of moot.
- In rare cases it might even be the case of “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything”.
- On the one hand I love seeing what all you creative people do, especially if it is in some genre that’s totally different from what I am doing. On the other hand I think that if everybody starts doing that, we would be flooded with such posts.
P.S.: I love your piece! If you are done and would be willing to allow me to do an arrangement for wind band, get in touch
I read this Forum 90% of the time on my smartphone. Because of the poor sound quality of my phone, I don’t listen to pieces people post here (or I am an in an environment, where I can’t listen loudly - and I normally don’t carry any earphones with me). The rare occassions, when I open the Forum on my PC I than don’t go back to old posts. I predict, that a lot of people here will use the Forum in the same way.
@Estigy , Thanks for saying you like the piece.
In my mind, music is meant to be shared. Why go though all the work of creating it, if I, the composer, am the only one who gets to hear it.? I’m happy with the piece that I posted, and by sharing it with others, I’d like to think that I’m spreading that happiness to like-minded people. Also, because I love Dorico and Noteperformer so much, I want others to see what is possible with these amazing tools.
Tell me more about this hamburger.
FWIW 90% of my YT views come from various Facebook groups I post links in.
chamber music for strings is still somewhat problematic. Some, usually faster pieces can work quite effectively with really good programming but there is not yet a string quartet library which is ideal – if we’re lucky the VSL Synchron library when complete at some point this year might be the closest so far. I don’t know if you’ve listened to the stuff I’ve posted here – for instance 12th and 14th quartets with different libraries. This gives an idea of what you can get with one or two of the better libraries straight out of Dorico --using NotePerformer Performance Engine when supported – without any particular programming skills.