New score from existing flows

I have a score with a whole bunch of flows init.

All I want to do is generate a new score using some of these flows, in a particular order, and ideally on one page (kind of like a worksheet)

I’ve unchecked all the flows I don’t want to use from the Setup section. So now I have flows 1, 2, and 3 on three separate pages.

I select “Allow new flows on existing page” as I want 1, 3, 2, and 1 again on one page.

I unlink the music frame on page one, and I have Flow 1 on its own. Except I also have flows 1, 2 and 3, on page two.

I select the music frame on page two, and delete it. Now I have Flow 1 on page one, a blank page two, and flows 1 2 and 3 on page 3.

I select the music frame on page three, and delete it. Now I have Flow 1 on page one, a blank page two, a blank page three, and flows 1 2 and 3 on page five.

I select the music frame on page 4, and unlink it. Now I have Flow 1 on page one, a blank page two, a blank page three, flows 1 2 and 3 on page four, and flows 1 2 and 3 on page five.

I remove page overrides, and I’m back to the start.

I unlink the music frame on page one again, and I have Flow 1 on its own. Except I also have flows 1, 2 and 3, on page two. I try to delete page two. I can’t delete page two. Why can’t I delete page two?

It’s like that scene in Fantasia when Mickey Mouse is trying to fend off a load of multiplying brooms, and I’m losing my fecking mind.

Please can somebody help?

Welcome to the forum!

  1. Don’t unlink the music frames.
  2. Set to allow new flows on same page
  3. Remove all page overrides (the little red triangle in the pages panel).
  4. Then draw a new music frame onto the layout as needed, and assign only Flow 1 to it.

It’s difficult to follow the written description, but rest assured this can be easily done. Just need to figure out exactly what you’re doing wrong.

Actually, why not duplicate Flow 1, and drag that duplicate to become Flow 4? Much easier!!

If you want to post the file here, I’m sure someone would be happy to take a look as well.