Well I’ve arrived in Dorico after many years with Finale and I’m unable to perform the simple task of copying and pasting chord symbols within a document.
First I tries select and filter … then the system track select and filter … marquee tool ? jump bar ? seriously can someone explain to a Dorico beginner why this is so difficult and what I’m missing.
Welcome to the forum @Douglas-m!
This is one way:
- Select all the bars from the system track you want to copy
- Filter chord symbols
- Copy
- Select the location you want to paste
- Paste
This is another: drag marquee around chords, select location, paste.
If you’re trying to copy chord symbols in the same bar to another instrument (i.e. “vertically”), you don’t need to. You just need to make sure that chords are enabled in that Player.
Thanks for your response, got it.
Another way I often use is to select and filter as mentioned above and then Option-click the bar at the start of where I want to put them.
@Douglas-m what I use a lot is ctrl shift a that is ‘select more’ so in this case first select an chord symbol and then use this key combination a several of times and see how the selection expands.
Not only very handy with chord symbols but with everything you can select.
Useful tip, many thanks.