New User -- Edited Key Signature, Dorico 3 Inserted Unwanted Accidentals

I’m writing a choral score in D Major, but forgot to insert the key signature before I began. I inserted it AFTER inputting some notes, and Dorico 3 decided that every F in the entire piece should now have a natural sign in front of it. Of course, the perfect response would have been to leave all the Fs unmarked, and to let the key signature informed the musician as to how to play the Fs. But instead, Dorico 3 has decided that all the Fs are to be played as F naturals, instead of as F#, as it says in my newly-added key signature.

Is there no way to fix this without re-entering all my note data? (Which is a LOT).

I tried this page (, but following these directions yields ZERO discernable results.

Help! I shall be most put out if it turns out that one might as well throw a new project in the trash if he didn’t get the key signature right from the very beginning of the project.

Hi Jack!
I suppose the fastest way would be to select all, then Edit>Filter> Filter note by pitch
In the Filter by pitch window, choose f natural (deselect the octave selector), add and filter. Now you can raise the whole selection by a half-tone (alt-shift-up arrow) or press the sharp key (probably different in your keyboard layout than in mine).
You will only have to deal with the fs that should remain natural, hopefully less numerous in D major.
Hope this helps!

Assuming there were no other accidentals in the piece, an even faster way would be to select all, then Alt-up, then Alt-down.

Nice trick, I did not think about that… Well, I admit I seldom forget to input tonality before inputting the notes :wink:

This is why audio playback during note entry is useful. You would probably have discovered the problem at the first F natural.

Can’t one not Select-All and then Reset Appearance?
Won’t then not all unnecessary accidentals disappear?
[uuh, what grammar]
[[edit]] I just read jackpelham’s first message again, it is not quite clear, wether the Fs he played have a natural in D-Major (which would be correct) or wether the F#s have an unnecessary # in front of them…
Or wether jack played in the music with Fs instead of F#s and then hoping the key change to D-Major would fix it…

k_b, I think it’s pretty clear that Jack entered the notes using the letters, and all the F’s need to be changed to F-sharps.

Hi, Rob. Sounds great to me. Unfortunately, one of the many other snags I haven’t yet worked out is that somehow in my download/install experience, the playback function is not yet working right. I have the controls for playback, but when it runs, no sound comes out. I haven’t had time yet to try to tackle that whole issue.

The download process was aggravating. It’s as if I were dumped out into a folder of files, and I was just supposed to know what to do. So I still don’t know what still needs doing or not. :open_mouth:

Dan, yes. Still it makes no difference typing in an F in C-Major or in D-Major. It will still be an F…

No, k_b. If you have a key signature and you’re typing on the computer keyboard, Dorico will assume that you want the accidental as determined by the key signature.

To generalize what pianoleo said, you type the notes corresponding to what is displayed in the score (ignoring any cautionary accidentals that might be added automatically). For example if you want two F naturals in the same bar when the key signature is D major, you type 0F for the first one but just F for the second one.

This is fundamentally different from Lilypond for example, where each note you type must specify its absolute pitch.

Thank you pianoleo and Rob,
I have learnt something again today!
You might have noticed that I never use this method
nor did I check it,
because I am answering to thread messages on the smartphone…