New Windows 10 Speed Shift tech

Speed Step technology now called Speed Shift.

Seems more responsive?

Next days we all must update to Windows 10 Threshold -version by microsoft, including new “speed step” -technology.
If you use new PC using Intel -processor called Skylake, your PC can become better latency :sunglasses: , or not :angry:

If you encounter any latency probs on your system after upgrade to windows 10 thresold update, then enable oder disable “Speed Shift” (Speed Step) on your bios (after this build 105086 coming next days).

Anyway, check with your new PC soon the BIOS settings…

Microsoft has also implemented a new storage technology that can compress the Ram memory.

This can also lead to altered latencies for audio :wink:

You will never stop learning more , every few months there will be from now on new technologies as an update . This was called under Windows 7 yet a service package . Unfortunately, it is hardly possible to bury our heads in the virtual sand