What part of the Steinberg family of apps can I use to write for Handbells with Handbell technique markings? I am a complete newbie coming from Finale. It looks like I don’t even know how to ask this question. Thank you for any help.
If you’re coming from Finale, you can buy Dorico Pro at a special price from the MakeMusic online shop.
Please check out this recent live stream for some tutorial materials about arranging handbells with Dorico:
Thank you. Coming from Finale and purchasing with the special price is what I did. I have not seen anything mentioning handbell writing, yet, after looking through the index in the manual.
I will check out the YouTube channel if I can find when it is available.
Thank you so much.
If you search the forum, you will find a number of threads about using Dorico for handbell writing.
Click on the video Daniel has posted in his message. John’s Discover Dorico videos can show you a lot.
Thank you. Just getting started. Your email is appreciated.
Looking forward to taking the time to do that. Thank you for the information. Much appreciated!