[No Bug - Operator Error] Copy/ Paste Muted/ Non-Muted Event

Jeff saved me the trouble :wink:… but, yes, that is why… the unmuted notes are masked by the muted ones. (However, a little caveat… I just tried “Delete Doubles”, and, sometimes it deletes the unmuted note and leaves the muted one!)

Yes - I wonder what the hierarchy is, and how Cubase decides which note to delete if both have the identical start point.

Maybe just the last added/edited is used… maybe some sort of priority including Note Expression, Muted, etc. should be included in the decision to which of the notes to delete. :slight_smile:

Thanks, guys! … but I’m going back to the drawing board.

I created all that data by Cntrl + D after I drew in the first 8 bars in one octave, alt dragged to the other octaves and then started duplicating.

I actually considered dupes, and lasso selected the first 8 bars and tried to drag tme to see what cas underneath … it just showed blank file with no data.

The fact that delete doubles doesn’t respond puzzles me, too.
