No Bypass?

I am relatively new to Nuendo, so please forgive my ignorance. In all other software programs that I’ve ever used, when you used plug ins to alter audio clips, there was an option by the host app to hear bypass so you could compare and hear what you were doing before you hit render. I can’t find such a switch in Nuendo. I can see one for channel wide on/off, but not for individual clips as you are playing with them unless the maker of the plug in added a second bypass button.

Where is it? If there isn’t one, why not?

It’s the little icon that has a square with a line over it. It’s on the actual plugin in the inserts area (on the mixer), and on the plugin window itself.

To completely disable the plugin, click it while holding ALT

Thanks for the quick reply.

What you are referring to is the insert for the track. I am asking about just for a clip. Like if you highlight a clip, click Audio>Plug In, and then choose an effect - once you finish playing around and hit “apply”, it applies it to that clip only and there is no entry in the track insert box.

It appears as if there is no “ByPass” function, so you can’t easily on/off it as it is going to hear the difference. Perhaps someone knows a workaround?

You can bypass the plugin in the direct offline processing window

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Mrrrk… Your screen looks different than mine :frowning: Does your upper left portion of that screen capture get autopopulated when you choose your plugins or is there something that I should be doing that I’m not? When I apply the filter, it gets rendered, so it’s working, but the left side of my screen doesn’t get populated, so I don’t have those tools.

You need to apply the selected PlugIn (apply) to be able to [Bypass] it after the fact :wink: !

  1. select a clip
  2. open DOP
  3. select a Plugin and adjust settings
  4. APPLY !
  5. no this plugin get on the list on the left
    → there you can bypass/delete and so on …
    by clicking on a given plugin in the list you can also change it again!


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OMG, that is such a bad way of designing things!!! So you can’t bypass on/off as it is playing in the Direct Offline Processor? You can’t compare what you are changing with the bypass live in order to make the right adjustments? You have to apply it and play it in the timeline instead? I suppose for some effects, you can choose between version a and version b on the fly in the DOP, so you could set b to be untouched - but you can’t do that for every effect. A lot of effects don’t have a “flat response” or other untouched version.

Well, at least it’s working now.

Thank you!!!

I think you aren’t understanding what Direct Offline Processing is. It is a way to “render” effects to a clip so that it doesn’t use any processing power. You make a change and it renders it to the audio. So bypassing live wouldn’t make sense like as if the insert was on the channel itself…because it is rendered to the audio.

You can however audition the clip by the play button at the top of the DOP window, this allows you to make changes while hearing the audio. Once you have got it how you like it, then press apply and it renders that change to the clip.

Also, you can turn on “auto-apply” so it automatically applies after every change you make.

All the other software I have used had the ability to use that play at the top of the DOP window and then flip a bypass switch so you could compare on the fly the affected audio vs the original audio BEFORE you render.

It is my understanding that this is impossible in Nuendo unless the plug in includes it’s own bypass button.

Am I incorrect?

I’m pretty sure that you mix up Direct Offline (!) Processing and clip-based real-time processing. The latter is a great feature, but not the same as DOP.

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Maybe you are right. What is the difference?

And is there a way to do what I want?

I’m happy to hit “render all” and get a cup of coffee if it means saving time (not knocking my head against a wall) while I’m actually working/being creative.

Real-time clip based plugins are exactly what they sound like, its an insert on the audio clip that is processed in real time, exactly like if you had a plugin on the track, except it is only on the clip.

DOP is similar, except it isn’t real time - As I stated earlier, it renders the effect to the audio clip. DOP does not allow for real time effects. To do that you would need to put an insert on the actual track.

So does Nuendo have the ability somewhere to do real time clip based plug ins so I can tinker with the settings and compare to the original real time?

What is the advantage of DOP over real time clip based plug ins? It would seem to me that if you have the ability to put the plug in into the channel real time, then you should be able to do it to just the clip. Same processing speed requirements. Is the idea that people will use only a few channel plug ins but dozens of DOP plug ins?

Thank you, by the way, for being patient with my ignorance. It is very much appreciated.

Other than shifting demands from the CPU to the storage subsystem there aren’t any. Users have requested clip based realtime processing for quite some time.

The thing you should know though is that DOP is basically an extension of what used to be Nuendo’s version of Audiosuite. So imagine if Avid had made the decision to make Audiosuite into what DOP is instead of developing clip based plugins. That’s really the way to see it. Steinberg made the choice to make its Audiosuite more flexible and DOP is what we have.

Compared to Audiosuite DOP is much better. Compared to clip based effects it’s… different.

You can also just insert the plugin on the channel and tweak in real-time and then when you’re happy, simply drag from the insert into the DOP window and apply from there. Makes doing things like auditioning guitar amp simulators easy before you process the audio.


I like the fact that you can edit all the different effects afterwards. That’s better than Avid’s Audio Suite. But I pretty much want to compare to the original every single time I do an effect, so overall, DOP (if it doesn’t have bypass) is not as useful. I mean, I’ve been dealing with Avid for decades and there are some things about them as a company that I don’t like (for example, my license just doesn’t work sometimes and it take s half a day for them to get it working again) so I really want to like Nuendo. And there are a lot of things I love. (Especially the customizability of it). But this is definitely a bad part.

I still don’t understand why they can’t program a “bypass” button in there. You can loop playback. And during playback, you can change the settings and hear the effect live. If the plug in has a “bypass” button built in, then you can use that and it works without having to apply the thing until you are ready . Everything seems possible. It is just missing.

Interesting idea. It’s a lot more steps, but it might be a decent workaround.


I think yourf feature request is good… din snygging

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