No double line after D.S

At the end of a bar where music is supposed to go back to a segno, isn’t there supposed to be a double line? Also, what is the meaning of the comments in pink, “2/2 (h, 1+1” ? And what about the vertical lines before the Coda, are they OK? Here is what Dorico did. I’ll also attach the Go to Coda bar in case that’s not right.


the Coda looks to be maybe a 8th or 16th off the barline - the barline that’s visible actually belongs to the previous bar where the DS is - move your Coda to the right and all should be well. probably easiest to delete the current Coda and reenter on the downbeat of the beginning of the Coda. the Pink Signposts indicate a Meter change. to get the double barline 0nce straightened out - invoke the Barline popover (SHIFT+B) and type ||

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