No glissando if note is tied to a previous note

If I put a glissando between two notes and then tie the first one to a previous note, the glissando disappears.

Example: enter three crotchets A-A-G with forced duration, then place a glissando between the second A and the G. Now tie the first two A’s… the glissando is gone!

Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?


Not sure this is a bug… When you tie the two A, the second one “disappears” for Dorico, and the first one is lengthened, it is a single musical event. I guess you should apply the glissando once the ties have been done.

Also, use Force Duration (o) when you re-input the crotchets, so the tie doesn’t turn them into a half note.

Thanks guys!… but it happens also with force duration; I mentioned that in my original message. Just try my example and you’ll see I’m right. The glissando disappears even if the two A’s are forced to remain as crotchets.


Ah, sorry I missed that force duration! Here’s how I do this, I just tested it now:

  • input your three quarter notes with force duration
  • tie the first two together
  • select the second note; both tied notes will be selected but that’s OK
  • command-click the third note so all three notes are selected
  • then click the glissando line button.

That should do it, it works for me!

Yeah!!! It works! Thank you so much, Stephen!… Funny, I was sure I tried all options but somehow I missed that one.

Still, I think the glissando line shouldn’t disappear if you input it first and then tie the notes. It should work both ways. Anyway, I’m glad there’s a way to do it.

Thanks again!


Happy to help, and good luck on your opera R, looks neat!

Well, I think that is what I suggested…

Well, yes :wink:
But asveginor is right: from a usability point of view, the glissando should be kept when you tie backwards. Doricos way of thinking about tied notes as one note event should not create a usability problem for the user.

Interesting exchange !

I’m just wondering if could not helpful if Daniel by giving us precision, explanation, detail about the difference of the use of «Shift» or «Command» and how both effect the selection.

After months of useI understood, I gessed that the use of «command» makes any selected object independent, out of his context, what allow as exemple to put a «slur» between two note which are not of the same voice.

The case of the «glissando» here is indentical…

Hope to read Daniel 's explanation.


Dear Alain,

I do not think in that case, command-click or shift click would make any difference, since those notes are following each other. The selection should be the same (unless there are other voices involved at that same rhythmic place). The problem here is about WHEN you tie two notes, what goes on with the second note tied, so what goes on with any property it used to have before being tied.

Marc is right - I just said command-click because it’s more precise for me. If I attempt to shift-click a new note and I miss, the whole selection is gone; but with command-click you can add notes quite precisely, without worrying about losing your selection if you don’t click in the right place.

Thanks Stephen! I’m glad you like it! In fact, that is the reason I bought Dorico. I simply can’t see myself editing a 500-page score plus all the parts in Sibelius. It would be a nightmare having to manually correct the position of all the objects to satisfy my annoying sense of perfection. :smiley:
