No MIDI out from Dorico (no power button for MIDI instruments)

Dear users and developers,

Dorico 5 does not seem to send MIDI data to MIDI instruments:

In the previous version of Dorico there was a power button for MIDI out, but this button is missing in Dorico 5:

Hello, Dorico 5.1.7 definitely sends MIDI data to MIDI instruments.

It is true that there is no longer a power button for MIDI in 5.1, as you can see in the current documentation, but it does work.

Thank you, but why is it not working on my device?
(I can use the virtual MIDI port from Max to Logic…)

Is the following setting wrong?

Could you please click on the Track Inspector button and make sure that the MIDI instrument is actually assigned to an instrument? It looks like it is not; you should see an entry in the “Assigned Instruments” column in the Endpoint Setup.

Oh, thank you!
“Enable Independent Voice Playback” hides Routing!
The problem is solved.

Thanks again!