No sound Cubase 13 pro

Every project I use both finished and empty don’t show any sound coming from the vst. It is set to speakers and I am running ASIO4ALL Drivers which have all worked b. Edited just now realised my headphones are showing as not connected but my headset mic is working?


Can you see the meters on the Instrument Track? Can you see the meters on the Stereo Out?

Have you tried to increase the Buffer Size?

I can’t see the meters on anything


And this?


Can you screencap your ASIO4all control panel and your Cubase audio connections panel.

Also clarify, what you want to use for output and for input. You said it’s set to “speakers” then say your headphones are not connected…so which are you trying to monitor on. And is your headset a USB only device?

What does all worked b. mean…before??


Could you test your system by using LatencyMon utility, please?

all worked b4 I meant. I use my headphones and speakers on and off but I was using my headset. It’s wireless.

I hate this man. I log back on after saying this and everything works fine. My PC seems really inconsistent and Idk why

And it happens again. I don’t understand why this happens. I just finished 2 projects and then I try another and no sound from the meters on stereo or vst

ASIO4all can be problematic using multiple sources, you could be losing sync between in and output or could be system audio interfering with Cubase audio.

Make sure all system sounds are disabled. Also if it does this mostly with your usb headset see USB power saving tweaks I just posted here.