No sound on cubase 14 elements (The sound uwas ok sing cubase 12...)

I don’t have any sound from cubse 14 elements on Windows 11 Pro.
My midi track is connected to Halion configured in piano, and my setup is using a correct driver. My output is ok as well.
But no sound.
I selected several devices : Voicemeter Virtual AISO, ASIO4ALL v2. But no sound…
A precision : I had Cubase 12 and it was working fine with the same computer, but now I’ve installed Cubase 14 elements and uninstalled cubase 12, I have no sound with the same CPR project…

Another issue : I installed Bitsonic_Keyzone_Classic_x64. The VST plugin was well recognized by cubase 12, but no recognition using cubase 14…

Any suggestion because I’m totally blocked…

Thank you.

After restrating drivers and cubase 14, it seams to work… It’s quite confusing.
It would be nicers to have a test button at the device part in order to be sure if the problem comes from the driver link or from the VST…

Any idea concerning the Bitsonic_Keyzone_Classic_x64 plug-in not recognize by Cubase 14 ?

Is it a VST2 plugin?