No sound on new computer

Im trying to transfer all of my projects over to my new computer. Before transferring Cubase Elements 10 to my new computer, I backed up the projects one by one onto a removable Hard drive. I open Cubase on the new computer and when I open a project from the removable hard drive the tracks all load up, but once i try to play the track i get no sound. It doesnt even show on the meter for the individual tracks. Am i missing something?

Can you describe exactly what you mean by this? It sounds like you may not have included the Audio Pool files when you ‘backed up’ the Projects.

I just migrated to a new PC a month ago. Here’s what I did that worked fine

  1. Using Windows Explorer I copied all my Project folders at once from the old PC to an external drive.
  2. Using Windows Explorer I copied all my Project folders at once from the external drive onto the new PC.

It seems to have fixed itself… past 2 days it wasnt playing, but now im getting sounds. When i said one by one i was saying i opened each project one by one and used the back up project feature onto the removable drive. i will report back if i experience any further issues.

While that should work fine, it does create a bunch of unnecessary work.