I have two piano accompaniments in Dorico, both created within the last 24 hours. One plays back just fine. For the other there is no sound at all. I have tried to compare settings and there don’t appear to be any differences. As a new user, I am at a loss. Thoughts? Thank you.
Have you tried reapplying the Playback Template?
And if reapplying the default Playback Template brings no result, keep the non-sounding project loaded and then choose from Dorico’s menu Help > Create Diagnostic Report. The corresponding zip file please post in a reply here. Thanks
I don’t know. I preferences I compared settings for both pieces. They looked the same. If playback templates are something else, I’ll have to do some reading. Thank you.
Hi @sretzlaff , with the from me mentioned diagnostic data, I could identify quite a lot of playback problems…
Hello Ulf-
I attached the project. My ultimate goal is to make an mp3 so that our bell choir can practice with it. When the playback did not work, I updated Dorico, as recommended. That did not seem to make a difference. I’m very curious to see what an experienced user will find. Thank you-
O Come OCome Emmanuel.dorico (779 KB)
I can only see one piano (grand staff) in your project.
There is no sound loaded in the Halion VST:
Go to Play > Playback Template > (the Playback Template should already be highlighted) > click Apply and Close:
It works!! Thank you so much for your help and patience. I could not have figured this out on my own. I hope this does not need to be done often.