No sounds on note input after updating to Dorico 5.1.80

I’m using Dorico on my Mac Studio M1 Max (2022) running macOS Ventura 13.7.2. After updating to Dorico 5.1.80, I don’t hear any sounds on note input.

For clarity, I am sure that the Play notes during note input and selection under Note Input and Editing > Auditioning in Preferences is checked, and I do get sounds on selection or changes of shadow note pitch.

I suspect this is some kind of bug…??

How are you inputting the notes? Using the alphabetic shortcuts, or MIDI keyboard, or mouse input, or something else?

Hi Richard, I’m using a MIDI keyboard and my go-to input method is pitch before duration.

This all seems to be OK for me here. Would you be able to do Help > Create Diagnostic Report and post the zipfile here? Also can I just check - is this affecting all projects (including new ones)?

Thanks, here’s the file, and yes, the same goes for all projects including new files.
Dorico (1.8 MB)

I don’t seem to be able to reproduce this even using your Preferences (taken from the Diagnostics file). Does it make any difference if you use a different audio interface (e.g. just the built-in audio)?

Hi @m8valleyz , when you play on your MIDI keyboard, does in the right bottom corner of the Dorico window a little green light flicker with every MIDI message coming in?

Thank you for the suggestion, but the problem persists even when I change to the built-in audio…

Hi @Ulf , yes, when I press on my MIDI keyboard or stomp on the pedal connected to it, I see the green light. So it seems that Dorico properly gets MIDI messages from my device.

How do your faders look like in Dorico’s mixer? (F3) What really surprises me is that you have sound while inputting notes but not while playing the score…

Hi @m8valleyz , that’s good, at least it confirms that Dorico is receiving MIDI.
How about when you go to the Play Mode and bring the HALion Sonic editor window to front. Normally during playback you should see in front of every sound slot a similar flickering light for every incoming MIDI note. Does that happen with you?
Maybe the assignment between player and VSTinstrument got lost somehow.
Please check that in the Track Inspektor on the left side in the Play mode.

@MarcLarcher , I know where you come from, but it is the same mixer that the sound goes through, i.e. during note input and playback.

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The fader reflects what I hear.
The fader swings (and I hear sounds) when I select notes, change shadow note by playing on the MIDI keyboard, or playback score.
But not when I enter notes.

Normally during playback you should see in front of every sound slot a similar flickering light for every incoming MIDI note. Does that happen with you?

My VST of choice is NotePerformer, but yes, I see the red light (at the red arrow) and white lights (in the green rectangle) flickers.

Well, did I make myself clear enough? I hear sounds whenever I expect them except for when notes are being input.
Edit: Just updated to version and still no luck…

Although Richard has already tried this with the preferences you are using (which were included in the diagnostics you posted earlier in the thread), would you please try the following:

  1. Quit Dorico.
  2. In the Finder, choose Go > Go To Folder, and paste in the whole of the following line, including the leading tilde (~).

~/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Dorico 5

  1. Hit Return to confirm the folder choice.
  2. In the Finder window that appears, rename preferences.xml to preferences-backup.xml.
  3. Restart Dorico.

Now that you’re running with default preferences, do you hear sound during note input?

Hi @dspreadbury, I tried what you described and yes, I do hear sound during note input! What I don’t understand, then, is where I went wrong in my preferences.

Hmm… two hours later, with some of the preferences changed, the exact same problem reappeared.:cry: Here’s the diagnostics again.
Dorico (1.0 MB)

Well, compared to the default set of Preferences, the ones you’ve changed in the note input category are:

  • By default, specify pitch Before duration
  • Specify accidental, rhythm dot and articulations Before inputting note
  • By default, enable note input using the mouse is off
  • Enable note pitch and rhythmic position editing using the mouse is off

So the only thing I can suggest is to try changing those values one at a time and see which one makes it start working again.

So I just ran into this. I regenerated preferences as suggested above—didn’t help. Then, on a hunch, I tried raising my cc7 and cc11 volume up all the way on my MIDI keyboard—once again I’m hearing sound during note input! My conclusion is that the volume of the sound during note input via a MIDI keyboard is independent of the volume you hear either when you select a note or play back.


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