No velocities change in 6.5.1

New problem occured!
Still can not use Info Line to edit note length, or else in Key Editor (score as well). So I tried to change velocities of MIDI notes using Velocity pane, down in Key edit window, for a few copied events. Graphically I can change values, but no effect is heard. Of course, I can not check that in Info Line, unless I will get a crash. So how can I change and edit those values?

Any ideeas would be appreciated…

No one has this problem as well? U lucky guys…

No, it doesn’t look like anyway else has this problem, mine is working all OK.

Have you got Value Box/Time Control Mode set to “Increment/Decrement on Left-Click Drag” under Editing Controls in preferences?

Maybe your default preferences has got corrupt, try deleting the default pref file, and let Cubase build the file again.

Haven’t. Thank you, I will try that. Indeed, I deleted my preferances, but older versions of Cubase worked fine without checking all that you mentioned…