Non-destructive editing question

I have old files, where I made them fit the time better by cutting and stretching. Now I’d like see how I might do better with audiowarp instead. since editing is supposed to be non-destructive, how would I undo these splits or recover the audio before doing all this?


You can delete all Audio Events but the first one. Then extend the first Audio Event by using the bottom-right square control on the Audio Event with the Object Selection Tool selected.

So I duplicated the track and deleted all on it, dragged the part to the new track and snipped out all the glued parts and extended it, but when I then open that by double clicking, there is no audio warp choice available. What else do I need to do?
5 string part

Please read the manual.


Audio Part is something different than Audio Event. If you really glued the Audio Events, you created an Audio Part. Then the situation is different.

Please, could you clarify?

It has been years since I created these parts in 8.5 or earlier, and things seem to work differently now. So if I created and audio part, is the original recorded part no longer available. broken up or hard to find?

Ok I went to the pool and chose a file that had no number after it and seems to be the original. Hmm, seems so accurate to the sub-beat marks though, hard to think I did that well.


The original Audio Events are still available in the Audio Part. The Audio Part is like a pack/folder of Audio Events.