Not a great experience Steinberg

I have a fast reliable ethernet connection (100 mbps). I am trying to download Iconica Opus. So far two days nursing my PC and it continually fails. About 20 attemptsso far to download using the download assistant. I can spend two - to four hours per section, then find an error after downloading 40-50 gb of data only to find an error and have to start again at 0kb.

Not great is it Steinberg?

Why can’t I simply start at the last instrument downloaded?

As for picking a location - what Steinberg does not make clear is that it will dump all your files in the same location (strings, brass, percussion, everything). I know this can be overcome, but this is only after one realises that this is happening. Other orchestral products have a folder for each type of instruments.
This mess has been going on for years, since the Download Assistant was created. I am sure Steinberg knows about this, but does not care?
Further to this, the only way I can find to know which products I own to download and require re-installing, is to go to my This information should be visible in the download assistant

Why won’t the downloads restart by itself, when it fails?

Cubase is a stunning product - with crap support. I know if I ring it has to be international call, if I email I can wait a week or more. The only real support is by user to user.

Not very happy with wasting hours (48 so far and only 2/5th downlaoded) of my time on this

OH well failed again and it’s 10 pm - iI started this second day at 8 am.