Not A440 tuning?

My head is spinning. Learning some very new stuff here.

YES!!! I really need this option too!
I keep getting clients that tune their guitars to A 432Hz and even had a voilin-based solo artist tune her song to A444Hz. It’s all a nightmare (unnecessarily hard work) to use Vari Audio to tune the vocals easily.

PLEASE STEINBERG. This must be a simple thing to adjust and add into the next update.


I suppose convincing the artists that the whole 432Hz thing that’s trending at the moment is total BS wouldn’t help? :smiley:

We are not talking about rocket science here. Whatever the reason for the request, the request itself is simple.

An adjustment parameter for the reference tuning center of Variaudio. Just that. Child’s Play compared to all the other transpose, fine tune and various other offsets already available in the application.

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I would like this, too.

It´s easy to do that with Melodyne. You just set global tuning reference to A=432Hz. Or you click to audio event and tune it via Fine-Tune. If you´ll use Fine-Tune, then you type -32 cents and you´ll be in A=432 Hz. Try to put the tuner plugin to the instrument/track to check the right tuning (example: Gtune vst plugin is alowing to change tuning reference). If you´re using Kontakt libraries, you´ll also have tune it down for -32 cents.
I´m producing and recording a metal band with tuning reference A=432Hz (3rd album now) and my band was tuned like that as well.


This is actually great tip! :+1:

You can do so with VariAudio too.

  • Select the Audio event.
  • Set the Fine-Tune to -38 cents (a bit of math…, this calculator might help).
  • Then you can tune in VariAudio graphically the very same way, as if you would tune to 440Hz. The Fine-Tune is applied after VariAudio, so it will correct it to a=432Hz.

For acoustic material whose diapason=432hz already, which is what the OP (and others) are asking about?

If the artists have tuned their instruments to A=432, wouldn’t changing the Fine-Tune value change pitch of the original audio? Whereas what is needed is a way to have, e.g., a sine wave recorded at 432hz to be seen as in tune by variaudio.

A use-case example would be a vocalist overdubbing on a recording by an orchestra that tunes A to 432hz.

Oh man! Of course, I’m totally stupid!!!

Thank you for the correcting me, -steve-.

Well, it would have been so cool had you been right! :slight_smile:

  • 1, really need the feature to change the reference pitch as well. Would make Nuendo a much more professional audio editor

Why not use the audio pull-up?

It’s often used in film music when a live orchestra is tuned at 443 and the synths layers or other elements are at 440. You just run the recording clock faster (with a pull-up) and then mix at the regular speed.

Darauf warte ich schon lange. Es sollten auch Stimmungen 432,10, 446, 449,80, 433,56 usw. mĂśglich sein. Derartige Stimmungs- MĂśglichkeiten sollten in einem Profi Tool vorhanden sein. Das fehlt mir auch in WaveLab 11!!!