Not recording Cubase 14

Good evening. I would like your help with the following issue. As soon as I select recording, it does not receive the microphone signal at all nor does any waveform appear. How can this problem be solved?

thanks in advance

Hi there, is it indeed a problem?
I mean, do you know the basics i.e. how to set up your audio interface and Cubase so it is ready to record?
If so then please post a screenshot with your settings (studio setup, in/out routing, etc.).
If not I would suggest checking some tutorial videos on youtube.

If it’s not just incorrect settings it could be microphone privacy settings of your o/s


What is the AKG Input? Could you attach a screenshot of the Audio Connections > Inputs, please?

If this is the case, do the following, please:

  1. Open Settings :
    • Click on the Start menu.
    • Select the Settings gear icon.

  2. Navigate to Privacy Settings :
    • In the Settings window, choose Privacy & security.

  3. Access Microphone Settings :
    • Scroll down to the App permissions section.
    • Click on Microphone.

  4. Configure Microphone Access :
    • Ensure that Microphone access is turned On. This allows Windows to detect and use your microphone.
    • Under Let apps access your microphone, switch the toggle to On to permit applications to use the microphone.
    • In the list below, you can individually control which apps have access to your microphone by toggling them On or Off.


Is your Mic connected to Input 1?

Btw, you can’t see/hear the signal in real time with this setting. Enable Monitor button (the speaker next to the Record Enable button on the track), to hear the input signal.

I would also assume there is a decent ASIO driver for your interface you should be using rather than the Steinberg built in ASIO.

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I don’t know that. Sorry, I’m trying to learn the basics of the program now. However, I was recording normally with Element.

I connected the cables from the preamp to the card to ports 1 to 3 and recorded normally. However, the same thing does not happen when I connect ports 5 to 7 of the card. For some reason it does not show me this option. Anyway, thank you for your interest.

You only have inputs 1 and 2 set up as inputs in audio connections. You would need to add more buses and assign the channels to use them.