Cubase 14. In the score editor when you click on a note many nearby notes are also selected or even the whole measure. In addition when you move a note you do not hear the change if this was not the case in previous versions.
Hi Guedj, welcome to the forum!
When you click on a notehead, the score editor should only select the single note. Clicking on a stem will select all notes in the chord. Clicking next to notes (in white space within a bar) will select all notes in a bar.
If you find this is not working reliably, could you describe this a bit more, maybe make a little screencapture showing the problem?
As for the note not sounding when it’s being repitched, this is on our roadmap to improve in a future version.
Hi Stefan
the score editor should only select the single note. but:
if you click on the around the edge of the note, the nearby notes are selected so. The phantom surface of a click does not match the black pixels of the note head. I join a screencapture .
Thank s
Thanks for the screenshot. While I can’t reproduce this problem as you’ve shown there, we will certainly try to take a closer look again. If you find any specific situations where this feels particularly bad, or appears to work better than in other situations, please let us know and describe some details (platform, screen resolution, zoom levels possibly).