Note "input"

Good night! I would like to ask how you go fast those of you who insert notes with the computer keyboard. For example, if I want to put a C and I press the “C” key but I want a C of a different octave, how can I get it quickly?

Two options:

  1. You can press opt/alt + C to input an octave up . To input the note an octave below, ctrl + C (mac) ctrl + alt + C on Windows.
  2. You can input the second C and transpose it with opt + cmd + arrow up/down.

If you get used to it, it’s really, really fast!

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Hi @mdp842,
Here the Manual:

And here the shortcuts (in the Tips of nr.7 in the link above):


Thank you! I use Windows, so I will try to find this commands.

It’s the guide I was looking for. Thank you!

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