Note nachträglich punktieren

Hallo Leute,

ist es möglich eine Note nachträglich punktieren ohne diese neu eingeben zu müssen, so wie es bei Finale geht?

Lieben Dank

Google Translate: “is it possible to dot a note later without having to re-enter it”

Yes, if I understand you (via Google) correctly, just selected the note and type .:

If you don’t want any of the durations after the newly dotted note to change, go into insert mode (I):

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Yes, thank you very much, but unfortunately this does not work during input.

Ah, during input…

For that you can use OPT/ALT + SHIFT + to lengthen the note by the current value of the rhythmic grid (or shorten it with ). Is that what you mean?

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Yes, thank you, but there should be no tie, just the dotted note.

Once you input another note, the tie will be replaced by a rhythm dot. This is how Dorico dynamically “spells” note values according to the rhythms you input.

If you want to force an atypical dotted quarter to span the half-bar, force duration o can be added in to your input, after selecting the rhythmic value (with dot) and before entering the pitch:

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Yes, thank you all very much, I’m beginning to understand.
Finale is much easier and clearer.


Hi @Micha_K ,

the function you are looking for, is in the Preferences:

Truly it is not. It’s just that you are used to it, so new methods seem harder.