Note Spacing Glitch in Latest Dorico Update

Hey Guys,

After the latest Dorico Update, every time I change the note spacing it only changes the last system. Even after restarting Dorico. I saw that there was a sentence under note spacing in the Layout option that said something about a formula which i don’t care about given that I’m not a mathematician, but I’m guessing that has something to do with it.

Also some of the Key Commands have stopped working, like “Duplicate to Staff Below” but surprisingly the “Duplicate Above” still works…

Thanks, Nicolas.

Your illustration does not show enough information. We would need to see complete systems with signposts visible, or better yet, the Dorico file or a suitable excerpt therefrom.

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It could be that in Layout Options Casting Off is set to four bars per system, which would mean that Note Spacing would have no visible effect on any system apart from the final one.


Yes that makes sense I didn’t watch out for the bar per system option.
Thanks @pianoleo