Notehead Clash/Guitar

  1. There are two e notes, one on the first string open, the other on the 3rd string ninth fret. The tablature is correct but the notation is ugly. Any way to fix that mess?
  2. Can I resize individual, measure, or regional notes?

What are you wanting to see?

Yes: select a note(s) > open Properties > on the left, select Scale or Custom scale > change away.

I’m not quite sure what you mean by “resize… measure or regional”?

One can spread the lines of the TAB staves and adjust the font and size of the fret numbers if one wishes.

You can get rid of the split stem on the B if you respell the C# as Db.

It’s two Bs, not Es. Those split stems are nasty as a default. This is what it looks like in Finale. The notation is good but I would just need to tweek the font size of the chord so that its not so cluttered .

OK try this…

Select the C# and put it into a new upstem voice. (Edit > Notations > Voices > Change Voice)
Go to Engrave mode and set the Voice column index to 0 from the Properties Panel.

That adjusts both the notation and the tablature. Any way to just reduce tablature number size?