Noteheads in context menu

How can we make a new notehead show up in the context menu?

The items in the menu are actually notehead sets, from which Dorico chooses the correct notehead according to the note’s duration.

You can add/modify notehead sets in Library > Notehead Sets.


I see. But I do not understand

  • why I do not see any submenu in the context menu (as in case of Dorico’s sets)
  • why I am unable to clear/get rid of new noteheads that I have created. The deletion of new noteheads works only in the coures of the first adjustments, but later the checkbox is dimmed.
  • why the symbols in a notehead set cannot be moved/rearranged.

I’m not sure what you mean by submenu. When I define a new notehead set in a document, it shows up for me in the context menu.

I’d have to look at your project file. I believe you can’t delete noteheads which are in use, so maybe that’s what you’re seeing.

The order of them in the set isn’t really important – what matters in terms of their use is the value of the Duration dropdown and the checkboxes underneath.

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So in my personal noteheads sets there should be 2 noteheads only (a “white” one and a “black” one)? If so, there is indeed no need for a submenu.

At a minimum, I think a notehead set should have three noteheads: “black”, “half”, and “whole” (i.e., white, but used without a stem). The Dorico-supplied sets also have “double whole” noteheads.

And remember, as I said, that when you right-click a note in your score and choose something from the Notehead menu, you’re really picking a notehead set. The specific notehead used is based on the note’s duration, as defined in your set.

For example, it’s likely that you will assign the “black” notehead a duration of 1/4 note and check the “shorter than and equal” box.


Likewise, the “half” notehead would be assigned a half note duration, and the “whole” notehead would be assigned a whole note duration. (But without the “shorter than and equal” box ticked.)


Thank you for the clarification!