SCORE 12 16 24 + Drums Bass TEMP.dorico (2.4 MB)
Really stumped here. Playback template is Noteperformer
I want drums and bass Halion
The flute is an addition (added as a nopteperformer slot). But its not playing back
Can anyone help? thanks
Edit: Also, I’ve noticed that if I mix in Halion instruments, there’s no fader anymore through which it gets routed… ???
Edit 2. If I select ‘unused’ , relevant faders become available to control, But, it’s not unused… (Unused opens up lots and lots of faders)
Hi @Avremi_Gourarie, you probably didn’t made the correct steps. here a visual guide with all the steps. Begin from menu Play > Playback Template and follow the numbers:
To mix the instruments of NP, you need to use NP mixer (clicking on the rounded E in the track inspector of one of the instruments assigned to NP)
First, tysm for taking the timw, gonna try this and get back to you!
My apologies, can you modify these instruction to use groove agent for drums?
EDIT: I figured it out Works perfectly now!!! Ty
in step 4 choose Iconica Sketch, HSO, HALion Sonic Sel., Olympus, GASE and set the overrides as in the screenshots:
You are welcome, @Avremi_Gourarie.
These diagrams are super helpful - I figured this out once on my own, several years ago, but having this diagram is a big timesaver. Thank you!
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