Ohne Takt


muss man in Dorico immer einen Takt haben? Oder kann man auch ohne Takt arbeiten? Ich würde gerne einfach nur ganze Noten hintereinander hinschreiben, ohne in einen Takt gezwungen zu werden.

Liebe Grüße, Frank

Please post in English.

You can create an open time signature (shift-m open)

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You can post in German if you wish, but there is a dedicated Auf Deutsch category here on the forum for users who wish to converse in German.

Machine translation from German to English is perfectly acceptable if you want to post in the main English category but are not confident in your English.

“ Do you always have to have a clock[meter] in Dorico? Or can you also work without a metre? I would like to just write whole notes in a row without being forced into a bar.”

Hi Frank,
then Dorico is the perfect tool for you!