Old BUG: Unable to use history undo whenever there's any automation

C14 here. Complained about it back in C10. Still the same stupid error. I don’t know how to talk about it anymore?

Why Steinberg? You have the brightest minds, you can’t figure out the way to fix it?

I just don’t get it. What does automation have ANYTHING to do with me deleting a plugin I just inserted that has NO automation linked to it? Why does ALL automation need to be destroyed when I remove just one plugin? There’s no logic to it. It’s just bad, terrible programming somewhere in the code.

Please fix it.

Steps to replicate.

  1. Create a channel.
  2. Insert a plugin #1 (any).
  3. Write automation for any value.
  4. Insert 2nd plugin .
  5. Attempt to remove the 2nd plugin from the history using undo.
  6. You will be prompted with this warning, click “yes”
  7. The automation written for plugin #1 will be erased (FOR NO REASON)

It should be that automation is only deleted for the plugin associated with it, not for everything on that channel! No need to nuke the whole channel!!!


IMO it’s not a bug, it’s laziness to make it actually work but no worries, they’ll eventually get to it and break something else… It is known. :tipping_hand_man:t5:

Not defending steinberg, but you can of course prevent this from happening by not using undo, but just deleting the plugin.