Older project not finding new Virus TI VST

I am trying to open a Cubase project from a couple of years ago, but the following error occurs:

The plug-in “Virus TI” could not be found for VST Synth 1!

The problem is that I do have a working “Virus TI” VST, and it is named exactly that. I have several tracks that need to load the Virus TI saved sounds for this project. Any suggestions?

Have you both VST 2.x and VST3 plugin enabled ?

Thank you for the reply… as far as I can tell, only the Virus VST2 plugin is active . I checked the plug-in information in Cubase and it is only listed once.

It seems that about half of my older projects using the Virus TI open and play fine, but the other half will not. I wonder if I had the VST3 version also loading in the past and that is what the non-working projects are looking for.

Yep. probably.

That did the trick! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.