OMF Import Problem - Size?

I’m currently having a problem importing OMF’s from Final Cut Pro larger than 600 megs.

Anything below that opens fine. Is this a Nuendo 5.1.1 problem? I get a message saying ‘Invalid File’.

All the bigger files open perfectly in ProTools 9.



Update - works in Nuendo 5.01 on my other machine. I’ll re-install N5 on my main machine and give a report back…

Ok, still no joy. All the OMF’s open on my MacBook Pro (N5.01)

Is this a Windows 7 64bit (Nuendo 32bit) problem? Some OMF’s will open and some not - it’s very erratic… All the files open in ProTools 9 on my PC…

Please, some help would be greatly appreciated. I have 30 TV episodes to mix…

Thanks in advance,

Ok, solved the problem…interesting one.

The video editor exported the OMF files from Final Cut Pro and named them, example - Episode 20/634

These files then appeared as Episode 20(with a funny little dot)632 on the PC… Nuendo didn’t recognize this as a file extension… ProTools on the PC had no problem with it.

So, Mac guys, please don’t use any ‘forward slashes’ in your naming schemes please. (that’s if you’re exporting OMF’s for Nuendo on PC)
